Precious metal

A precious metal is a rare, naturally occurring metallic chemical element of high economic value or perhaps more correctly of extremely high psychological value and medium to very low true economic industrial value. Chemically, the precious metals are less reactive than most elements, have high lustre, are softer or more ductile, and have higher melting […]

Chemical Sales

Chemical Sales

Welcome to Quimico Global Corporation Company dedicated to the distribution, marketing, transportation and sale of inorganic chemicals, mainly oriented to water treatment and its industrial process, and physiology, their leading products such as; 50% liquid caustic soda, 98% sulfuric acid, sodium hypochlorite at 13%, 65% nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide at 50% 30% hydrochloric acid. We […]

Tierra diatomacea

Tierra diatomacea

La tierra de diatomeas, conocida también como DE, TSS, diahydro, kieselguhr, kieselgur o celite, es una roca sedimentaria silícea formada por micro-fósiles de diatomeas, algas marinas unicelulares que secretan un esqueleto silíceo llamado frústula. Este material sirve de medio de filtración; su granulometría es ideal para la filtración del vino. También se utilizan para las […]